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CH  VC HRCH Bachman Bay Immobulus NAI UTI

Call Name "Sileaux"

(Bachman Bay Bluebill Banger NA 112/I UT 194 II  X NFC FC/AFC Wired West True Grit NA 112/I UT 192/I )

NAVHDA NA 112 PZ 1  Max score @ 7 months

NAVHDA UT  192 PZ 2 @ 15 months

NAVHDA UT  204 PZ 1 Max score @ 3 years

NAVHDA INVITATIONAL 200 Pass Max score @ 4 years


AKC Field Trial Placements

German Wirehair Pointer Club of America 6th 

ranked derby dog 2021. 

German Wirehair Pointer Club of America Derby

Classic Nationals 4th place 2021.

German Wirehair Pointer Club of America National

Amateur Championship "Reserve dog to callbacks" 2023.

Minnesota Brittany Club Open Derby 3rd place

Minnesota Brittany Club AWD 1st place

Minnesota English Setter club OD 3rd place

Minnesota English Setter club AWD 1st place

Minnesota English Setter club AGD 3rd place

Minnesota Brittany Club ALGD 4th place

Vizsla Club of Michigan Open Derby 3rd place

Idaho Brittany Club OGD 2nd place


AKC Conformation Show Champion 2022. 

AKC Water Test Pass 2021. 

​UKC Titles

UKC Hunting Retriever "HR" @ 15 months

UKC Hunting Retriever Champion "HRCH" 2024. 



Weight: 55

DOB: 4/25/2020

Coat: liver roan, Dense/Harsh

Bite: normal

Hips: OFA Excellent

PennHip rt 0.26 lf 0.27

Elbows: OFA Normal

Thyroid: OFA Normal

Eyes: OFA Normal

Heart: OFA Normal basic cardiac

Furnishings: Ff

Von Willebrand’s: Clear

Exercise Induced Collapse: Clear

CHIC # 182362


​About Sileaux:

Sileaux is co-owned by Catrina Terry, a waterfowl biologist with Ducks Unlimited in North Dakota. Sileaux is a lucky dog that gets to join her for biological surveys, hunting upland birds, rabbits, waterfowl, turkeys and blood tracking deer.


Sileaux had an exceptional rookie hunting season. He found and pointed 8 species of wild gamebirds in four states. Sileaux hunted hard and covered ground well, and when it came to pointing, he was naturally steady to flush and very in-tune with his handler. This past year, in his second season, Sileaux excelled tracking and pinning prairie birds across North Dakota and Montana and made multiple 300 yard retrieves on crippled running roosters. Sileaux loves retrieving waterfowl and broke ice on his very first duck hunt, he has no issues with the cold windy North Dakota weather. Sileaux had his first litter in 2023 and we are very excited about watching these young prospects grow up. Sileaux has been bred with Top Shelf Kennels, Ghost Point Kennels, Badlands Kennels and Southern Wires Kennels. We are hopeful that Sileaux's nice genetics shine through with these breedings. 


Sileaux received a maximum score of 112/112 in his NAVHDA Natural Ability test at only 6 months. He then went on to earn 192/204 and a prize 2 in his NAVHDA utility test at 15 months, both with a first-time trainer/handler.  In 2023 Catrina ran him in utility again and received a max score 204 Prize one qualifying him for the 2024 NAVHDA Invitational in Iowa. Sileaux recieved a max score of 200 and his  Versatile Champion title (VC) in 2024. Sileaux has been a very biddable and driven dog that’s made training easy and fun. We easily finished him in the AKC conformation ring winning several majors in a row. Sileaux ran in the PNW Field Trial Circuit in the spring of 2023 and was able to get some placements in some tough competition. He also ran in the GWPCA Horseback and was the "reserve" dog at the callbacks for the 45 minute National Amateur championship which is essentially 5th place and very good for such a young dog. â€‹


Sileaux is a natural retriever, he loves picking up marks just as much as the Labradors he trains with. Sileaux marks extremely well and doesn't give up on a hunt until he comes up with the bird. He has performed well in retrieving events and received his UKC hunting retriever (HR) title at 15 months old. This test required a double mark and blind on both land and water. Sileaux can go from running a controlled blind with complete focus on the handler to an independent duck search with just a switch of the command. Sileaux completed his hunting retriever champion title (HRCH) in 2024.


While Sileaux is a force to be reckoned with in the field he also has an amazing off switch. He loves accompanying his owner to the office where he snoozes on his dog bed and gets lots of pets and patiently entertains himself inside when the harsh North Dakota winter makes it tough to get out.


Sileaux ran and placed in his first Horseback field trials in fall of 2021 and we cannot wait to see how he performs in the future.  His sire Duke is a powerful runner and won the Open GWPCA National championship in 2019. Like his sire, Sileaux has long legs and a strong muscular build and sweet friendly temperament. 


Sileaux came from a very nice breeding of  National champion field trial lines mixed with some of the best western versatile lines. Sileaux's sire, grandsire and great grandsire were all national GWPCA National Champions. Sileaux's Dam has produced nineteen exceptional puppies, they had an average Natural Ability test score of 109.8/112 points and four of her pups have placed in the German Wirehair Pointer Club of America's National Horseback derby Field Trial (2nd ,3rd place finishes in 2019, 4th place in 2021 and 4th place in 2022). One of her puppies placed first in the GWPCA Puppy Classic in 2022. 


Bachman - Sileaux - Winter 2021 - 2.jpg
Sileaux stud dog ad - Spring 2022.JPG

Sileaux on wild birds at 4 months old

Bachman Bay Kennels

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